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Whenever we cruise I always bring along several magnetic hooks that I purchased at Amazon.com . Almost all of the walls in ship staterooms are made of steel. These hooks provide a lot of convenient extra hanging space. They are pretty strong and I think can hold at least 10 pounds.
Even the bathroom door and the stateroom door are made of steel. I use hooks on the back of the bathroom door to provide hanging for more than just the two hooks provided. I like to use a couple of hooks on the back of the stateroom door to remind us to take our Sail & Sign® Card Lanyards with us when we leave the room.
This has to be the first ship we have ever been on that had a vent in the stateroom door. I often like to keep our balcony door open so that we can hear the ocean and breath the fresh ocean air in our room. But that can create a huge wind tunnel under the stateroom door due to a difference in air pressure between the inside and outside of the ship. I solve that problem by placing a bath towel all along the crack to stop the breeze. But this door also has a vent. I taped a couple of pieces of paper over the vent to stop that from becoming a wind tunnel. At first the paper stuck to the vent even without any tape but would then sometimes fall off. Tape fixed that problem. On cruises I always bring along tape, a small stapler, scissors, wine opener, box cutter, and a few other items that I find very useful on a cruise.
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