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Below you will find photos from as many areas as I was able to capture on this cruise along with maps of each deck captured from the Carnival Hub App. The maps and labels from the Carnival Hub App do not precisely match those of the paper maps that are available onboard. I suspect huge numbers of the paper maps were printed long ago and Carnival is reluctant to throw them away and print new updated ones, especially considering this ship is going into drydock October through December 2019 for further major changes. For those of you that cruise on the Carnival Splendor in December 2019 or after, it may be interesting to use the below photos to see what has changed. I believe the new home for the Carnival Splendor is going to be Australia so you may need to go to that part of the world to take a cruise on this ship December 2019 or after.
Click on each photo below for a larger image.
The Oceanview Promenade runs along the entire side of the Royal Flush Casino and contains the "Promenade Deck 5" music stage right across from the Oceanview Bar. It has comfortable seating by the windows as well as a clear path so that you don't have to navigate through the casino. The Oceanview Bar extends into and is also the bar for the Royal Flush Casino.
In January 2018 we took a cruise on the Carnival Miracle through the Panama Canal. ( Click here for photos and reports from that cruise.) Around the same time that we went east through the old historic Panama Canal, the Carnival Splendor went west through the NEW wider Panama Canal. Both ships were docked at the same port for a shore day at Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Above you can see a comparison of the size of the two ships.
The Carnival Splendor is too wide to fit through the old historic Panama Canal and thus had to use the newer wider Panama Canal. The Carnival Miracle ship is what is known as a Panamanian Ship. That means that it is not too wide to fit through the old historic Panama Canal. For many years most cruise ships and freight ships had been built with a width specifically to be able to fit through the old historic Panama Canal and these ships were classified as Panamanian Ships. With the new wider canal, ships are no longer limited to this width. The new Panama Canal can now fit any cruise ship in the world but there are now many mega freight ships that still won't fit through even the new wider Panama Canal.
An even wider canal to handle the largest freight ships in the world connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans has been proposed through the Central America country of Nicaragua, referred to as the Nicaragua Grand Canal or the Grand Interoceanic Canal. Wikipedia reports that no progress has been made on this project as of 2018. Click here for more information from Wikipedia.
The Carnival Splendor made trips between the east and west coast of the United States before the new Panama Canal was built. In order to do those trips it had to go all the way around the southern tip of South America. At the time of this writing, the Carnival Splendor was the largest cruise ship to ever go through the new Panama Canal.
Click on each photo above for a larger image.
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