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If will be cruising on the Carnival Splendor you may want to bring along an HDMI cable. We often had no live TV on this cruise and only had the Carnival provided movies and onboard shopping, travel and activities TV channels to watch. The TV in our stateroom did have an HDMI input port. Thus if you brought along either a DVD player or a computer with a DVD player, then you could bring along your own DVDs to watch in your stateroom by using an HDMI cable to connect your computer to the TV. A lot of hotels and cruise ships have upgraded to special TVs that have no HDMI inputs, or any external inputs at all. I don't know if the Carnival Splendor will be upgrading to these types of TVs when it goes into dry dock in October 2019.
I'll be adding more comments later. For now see the sections about my suggestions to Carnival, especially about the problem with the internet and live TV on the Carnival Splendor.
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