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Carnival Horizon
14 Day Transatlantic Cruise

Friday, May 18, 2018
Cruise Day 10 - Fun Day At Sea

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Click on each photo below to view a larger image:

Ocean Views From
Our Carnival Horizon Havana Cabana Cabin 7461

Left: From our balcony door; Right: On our TV from a ship webcam

Light Lunch Served In The Ocean Plaza Entertainment Lounge

Shelli and Barbara in the Ocean Plaza.

Pig & Anchor Brewery / Smokehouse Drinks & Lunch Menu

Beers on tap at the Pig & Anchor Brewery Pub

Wines Offered By The Taste, The Half Glass, and The Full Glass In The Library Bar

Index Of Tastings

Log Book Of The Library Bar Visitors

I signed my name near the top of the second page.

Displays At Every Elevator

Left: A map of the ship is displayed at every bank of elevators to easily find where you are and where you are going. Right: You select your destination level before you enter the elevator and a display tells you which elevator to use.

A Spanish Wine Purchased In Barcelona
That We Drank With Dinner

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