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Be sure to read the Special Notes further down this page for important requirements and restriction.
Margaret River - Arguably the best wine region in Australia! This tour is perfect for first time visitors or those returning to this piece of Australian paradise. You will be provided with the opportunity to learn about, and taste some of the country's best wine on this fully guided half day excursion. Visiting three of the region's top wineries, guests will be introduced to, or reacquainted with the passionate locals that are so excited to share their award winning wines and stores all while taking in the beauty of the Margaret River wine region.
Special Notes:
Guests must be 18 years or older to participate in the wine tasting Three Margaret River wineries will be visited on this tour - the locations will be dependent on the availability on the ships visit.
This winery had the best tasting wine we've had so far in Australia. They provided generous pours and some crackers and cheese to go with the wine.
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for a slideshow of all the above photos.
If in this report you see any typos, misspellings, factual errors or other types of errors, please let me know.
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